Together Building Legacies

ASART is proud to be the exclusive lead financial and strategic advisor of Phuong Chau Medical Corporation, working side by side to build the best strategies for the group to move forward and become the largest private healthcare provider in Vietnam.

Serving from the Heart” is to develop wholehearted human with great vision and to establish a mindset that puts the patient’s interests at the core of all activities. “Pioneering” in applying the best and latest treatments and standards of care. “Professionalism” in providing world-class healthcare services.

These three factors are central to the core values of the Founder & CEO of Phuong Chau Medical Corporation, and are also central to the core values of the Co-Founder & CEO of ASART. We’re here to deliver true value, build legacies, make a difference, not to make some fast bucks.

1 Dream, 10-Year

Doctor Ho, Founder & CEO of Phuong Chau Medical Corporation, shared at her 3rd hospital’s inauguration ceremony in Soc Trang, also her hometown: “Being able to devote and contribute to the development of my hometown’s healthcare sector to serve our people is my motivation for the establishment of Phuong Chau Medical Corporation in general and Phuong Chau Soc Trang International Hospital today in particular.”

The largest healthcare group in the Mekong Delta region with a proven track record of over 10 years, built on the foundation of obstetrics and gynecology expertise and developed into a comprehensive and worthy healthcare destination, trusted by thousands of mothers, children, and families. Under the leadership of Dr. Ho, the group has pioneered not only in advanced technology but also high-quality management and operation procedures according to international standards.

The combination of the three hospitals, with the first one in Can Tho City, followed by Sa Dec and Soc Trang, has created a mighty triangle in the Mekong Delta region, serving a large and municipal level area.

Over the past decade, Phuong Chau has received high praise for the quality criteria of its hospitals in the country, continuously training skilled human resources, updating, and developing medical research. At the same time, the group is open for cultural and technical exchange with international integration and cooperation with Korea and Japan… to raise the bars and develop standards in all aspects of their operations. They have obtained and are in the progress of obtaining the following certifications: JCI, RTAC, ISO 15189 testing, Lean Six Sigma…

Inheritance and further development

According to the Director of Vietnam Medical Examination and Treatment Administration, a representative of the Ministry of Health attended the inauguration, Phuong Chau today has officially become the group with the leading healthcare “chain” in Vietnam that offers international standards at affordable prices.

At the ceremony, Ms. Binh Le, Co-Founder & CEO and also the Head of Mergers & Acquisitions and Strategy at ASART, who has a long working relationship with Phuong Chau, had expressed her admiration for Dr Ho: “1 woman, 10 years, 3 hospitals, serving a land of nearly 10 cities and 20 million people. The inauguration of the 3rd hospital today is an admirable achievement, especially as it was built in 1 year despite all difficulties caused by COVID. Phuong Chau’s success will continue, and they will forever be exploring new frontiers.”

If you have any questions regarding the above content or our advisory services in merger and acquisition (M&A), finance, and strategy, please contact:

Mr. Nguyen Trung Duc

Vice President, Deal Origination

ASART Deal Advisory

+84 789 505 789 

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